Grief Support Guide

Help for you and others during a time of grief.

Grief. It can take on many forms and you often don't know how you will react until you are living through it. That’s OK. There are no right or wrong ways to work through grief. All you can do is try to deal with your feelings in a way that feels right to you.

If you are trying to support a family member or friend, figuring out the right things to say or do can be challenging. You have already taken the first step toward helping them, simply through the act of caring. But sometimes, you might wish to do a little more to show support.

Some people feel a sense of support through a thoughtful gift like a card or flowers. Others respond better to you just taking the time to sit, reflect and share stories with them.

Grief is a natural and normal reaction to the loss of a significant person. We want to reassure you that you are not alone. The staff here at Cavin-Cook Funeral Home & Crematory strive to meet individual needs however and whenever we can, every step of the way. There is a way to overcome the sorrow of losing a loved one and we are committed to helping you find your own special path.

Acknowledge your feelings

  • Each of us experiences grief and healing in a different way.
  • Grief related emotions come in many forms. It’s okay to cry…but it’s also okay if you don't. Crying is only one of the ways we express our sadness.
  • Be aware of your feelings and try to address them in a way that ultimately brings you comfort and helps you move forward. Consider the following as ways to work though the healing process: talk to friends, consult a spiritual leader or therapist, join a support group, or record your thoughts on paper.
  • Remember that your physical and mental well-being go hand in hand. Taking care of yourself, physically, will promote emotional wellness and healing.

Be sensitive to the needs of children.

Children may not understand the details and specifics, but they can often surprise you with their sensitivity and instinctual way of detecting grief. As the adult, you want to find ways to help them celebrate the life of your loved one and enjoy happy memories and stories.

The most important way to support your family is to simply listen to them and pay close attention to the feelings and needs of younger ones. If you sense any serious change in behavior, talk to them to try to get to the root of their feelings.

Should youth attend funerals? This guide explains the important role funerals and memorialization play in the lives of youth.

The Sesame Street - When Families Grieve kits are especially helpful to families with children.

Offer your support.

Here are just a few simple ways you can offer meaningful support to your loved ones during this difficult time:

  • Share memories and stories – they can be the best medicine during difficult times.
  • Be there for them whenever possible, as a shoulder to cry on or to help them with tasks needed throughout the coming days.
  • Listen – all too often, we forget how important listening can be.
  • Give a small gift to show your love and support; flowers, a favorite food, or a book that brings them joy.

Reach out for support.

No one should have to experience grief alone. Reach out to friends and family and let them know that you need them. There is no shame in asking for help often. Please visit our Grief Support Resources for more information.

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